2024 Hotshot Up Volleyball Tournament
In Honor Of :
Diego Rivera
On August 16th, 2023 the Little Tujunga Hot Shots were on assignment to the Six Rivers National Forest.
While working the Lone Pine Fire, Little T Hot Shot Diego Rivera, sustained a serious traumatic injury when a burning dead tree (snag) came down and struck him during fire suppression/ line construction operations. The injuries Diego sustained will require an extensive recovery phase.
Since Diego had his unfortunate accident. His recovery has been very extensive and difficult not only for Diego but to his entire family, friends, brothers, and sisters he has gained within the Fire community. Diego is currently going through extensive rehab at The California Rehabilitation Institute. Initially, we were all very uncertain of his future and how much mobility he would regain to his body. It was a very hard reality for all of us to face and at times did not want to believe all of this was happening.
Diego continues his journey to recovery and his spirits have never waivered. We are in full support of his efforts and he truly is an inspiration to many so Hotshot Up with us for Diego and show your support!

2024 Hotshot Up Volleyball Tournament
In Memory of:
Matthew "Clappy" Clapsaddle
Matthew Clapsaddle, more widely known as “Clappy,” was a dedicated and proud Firefighter Paramedic for the City of Ventura for 28 years. He passed away on August 20th, 2022 from a work related cardiac event. Clappy spent many of his years protecting the community on Medic Truck 5 in addition to being a member of the Ocean Rescue Team and Urban Search and Rescue Team. But most importantly, Clappy was always there for his fellow firefighters. He is survived by his loving wife Jennifer and his son Tanner. We miss you Clappy.
Matthew Clapsaddle
October 22, 1962 – August 20, 2022